Parent/Teacher Meetings
We encourage parents and guardians to speak with classroom teachers regularly as learning occurs best when there is a strong partnership between students, parents and teachers. To support this partnership, the school sets aside time for teachers to meet or phone parents each day , between 3:25 pm and 3:50 pm. Appointments may be made at other times in consultation with individual teachers.
Appointments may be made by phone, using the 'Contact Us' form on this website or via email on the Compass Parent Portal.
Meet the Teacher Evening
Early in the school year a Meet the Teacher Evening is held. This is an opportunity for parents to visit classrooms, find out about programs and routines, ask questions and get to know the teacher. It is also an opportunity to share information about your child with the teacher.
When parents and teachers work together the educational outcomes are always better for children. Benefits of a strong parent teacher partnership also include maintaining the wellbeing of children, parents feeling more confident in the teaching and learning process and teachers feeling supported by parents. As it is very early in the school year teachers will not be able to talk about children's progress at this time.
If you have confidential information to share with the teacher be aware that there will be other parents and children in the room and it may be better to organise a separate time to meet with the class teacher.
Parent/Carer-Student- Teacher Conferences
Conferences encourage students to talk to their parents about the learning, their thinking processes, their progress in all areas of their learning and wellbeing and also teaches them how to link evidence of their learning through producing work samples. The aim of the conference is for students to explain to parents, using examples, how far they have progressed throughout the year.
The idea behind Student Led conferences is that it puts the responsibility of the work more on the shoulders of the student, allowing all stakeholders to realise that the adults are present as supporters, not doers. During student-led conferences, teachers act as facilitators as students review their work and progress with their parents.
In preparation for these conferences parents can log in to Compass to book a conference time and also view their child’s attendance, GPA’s and read the ongoing chronicle entries outlining their child’s activity.