Reporting to parents and carers

Reporting is used for a variety of purposes and is tailored to meet the needs of a range of audiences and is in different forms. Reporting to students, parents and carers, teachers and the system helps decision making for future student learning.

In response to the latest education research and in line with contemporary community expectations regarding communication, Trafalgar Primary School uses an ‘ongoing assessment’ model to ensure students and families receive more frequent and accurate information about student performance at school.

At Trafalgar Primary School, we believe the purpose of Semester Reports is to demonstrate to families, students and teachers:

  • The amount of learning growth the student has achieved over the last 6 to 12 months

  • The enablers and barriers to achieving growth

  • That teachers have a personal knowledge of the children they work with including their social emotional skills and sense of wellbeing

  • The strategies that can support students to learn at home and at school

  • Knowledge of how the student performs against year level expectations

  • Knowledge of the student’s learning behavior in relation to the school’s values

How we do this at Trafalgar Primary School

How do I access my child’s reports?

While Compass does provide a mobile application. A mobile device will not provide you with access to your child’s full report. Currently, parents and carers must login to Compass on a desktop computer to access the more sophisticated data sets available. From a desktop you can print and download most reports.

If you are having trouble accessing your Compass account please feel free to contact the school.