Student Chromebook Program

The Trafalgar Primary School Chromebook program commenced in 2019. It aims to improve student engagement and promote even greater academic achievement by providing teachers and students with new ways to learn and collaborate.

It is an expectation that all students in years 3, to 6 have a school-approved Chromebook ordered through our chosen supplier. All students in Foudation to Year 2 have access to school owned device. The school has done extensive research and chosen a device that is reliable, has proven long battery life, high level processing power and is very durable; it is ideal for use in a school environment. From 2021 the device comes with a pen (stylus) as writing remains an essential part of the schools curriculum. The School’s teaching and learning program has been designed with the Chromebook’s functionality in mind and both the leadership team and teaching staff believe it plays a vital role in delivering an effective and engaging curriculum.

The 21st century requires resilient, independent learners who can think critically. We believe our Chromebook program will develop students’ ability to research, synthesise and collaborate, whilst maintaining our school’s commitment to outstanding academic performance.

Our Chromebook program requires students to purchase a device in Year 3. This device is covered by an extended manufacturers warranty and will be supported by the school until the student finishes Year 6.

Chromebooks run ‘ChromeOS’ which is essentially a web browser on a laptop. These devices are therefore most useful when connected to the internet (either at school or home). Whilst this presents a great learning opportunity, they must be used responsibly. We expect our core values: Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be A Learner to be reflected in every aspect of our students’ lives, and this extends to their electronic communication with others.


  • Bring your Chromebook to school every day, with the battery fully charged

  • Always store your Chromebook securely (e.g. in the agreed space at school when not being used)

  • In class, Chromebooks will be used at the discretion of the classroom teacher and class teacher will determine when and how it is used in class

  • Your Chromebook must be used for educational purposes only

For more information about our Chromebook program see our FAQ

Ordering a Chromebook

All orders need to be made through our school-approved supplier. This is because the device comes preconfigured to connect to our wireless network, printing system and school domain, providing access to specific apps and updates.